Managing business deals involves more than simply making sales It’s about ensuring each deal is financially viable for both parties. This means minimizing risk by engaging in negotiations with a sense of urgency and making sure that deals aren’t costly for your business in the long term, either through cheapening brand perceptions or capturing minimal margins.

To make intelligent decisions at every step of a deal, your team must have access to all the right information. It’s essential to utilize revenue management software that converts your data into a contextual notification. Revenue Grid alerts you when an additional step is added to an opportunity. They also let you know if the email sequence fails or if a sale has been removed.

The right information will also allow you to build trust and confidence with your clients in negotiations. Listen for any hesitations, or worries in their conversations and empathize with them so you can address their concerns, show how your solution will meet their needs better and make an ideal win-win situation. It is also important to think about your own goals and challenges when negotiating so that you can balance short-term gains with future benefits. To achieve this, you can try making use of offers that have different terms but the same value overall. This strategy is known as Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers (or MESO). By creating a contract draft with your desired outcomes in mind you are less likely to be the victim of extreme edits which could lower the value of an offer.