
When scheduling your massage appointment at Optimal Chiropractic, don’t think of it as a spa retreat…think of it as a therapeutic massage to make you feel great!  You will get an excellent massage every time you come!  More importantly, unlike the chain massage companies, you won’t have to wonder about what therapist will see you. We have a dedicated staff of massage therapists that have been with us for years.

Massage Therapy for All Conditions

The massages offered by Optimal Chiropractic are ideal for many different chronic pain syndromes, especially joint treatment. For example, if a patient has a particular area of pain that is too large to treat with standard message therapy techniques, then one of our therapists can help with the muscle release work that complements our treatment. Massage is also an excellent way to ensure that the tissues are moving properly and you continue to feel great day after day!

What is massage therapy ideal for?

  • Increase range of motion
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Muscle tension
  • Preparing before a sporting event
  • Recovery after a sporting event

Prenatal Message Therapy

While it can be labeled as the most exciting time in a woman’s life, pregnancy can also be one of the most physically uncomfortable times during your life. Our massage therapists can help you experience a more comfortable pregnancy and work with you after the first trimester.

Therapeutic massage provides a range of benefits to help you feel great! Use the contact form below to contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists.

Contact Us Today or Stop on By!

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