We have all seen it. That morbidly obese girl from high school that all of a sudden transitions in to a bombshell in what seems like overnight. Maybe it’s that guy with the big gut showing his six pack abs just months later. Everyone makes these goals when they start training and cleaning up their diets. This picture of perfection where they go from one extreme to another; however, why is it that not everyone successfully reaches these goals? Sure, you may lose a few pounds, get a little stronger, feel a little more confident and better about yourself; nevertheless, why is it that only a select few reach that “WOW!!” point. Is it genetics? Is it organic food? Is it the overall gym atmosphere or coaching?

The answer is none of these. There truly are defining secrets in those people that succeed in life. These traits are no different then those in people that successful complete a “O My Gosh” body transformation. These patterns are characteristics that are developed, established, and instilled in people when they decided they are not satisfied with average. Since, Optimal Chiropractic is a place where we help people with weight loss, nutritional support, counseling, and overall body transformation; I think it is very important to give my clients and patients a few keys in order to not just reach an average transformation, but to hit an Optimal “head turning” transformation.


1. Become Disgusted from Your Starting Point

The best way to decide that you are going to make a change, is to wholly and truly decide that you are disgusted with where you are at. That way you will do almost anything to get out of that point. 90% people will feel sorry for themselves, or look in the mirror and just hope that positive affirmation will pave the way to a better body. However, that 10% that actually wants and will achieve a “head turning” body transformation will leave no time for crying, excuses, or hugging. They will simply say to themselves “I am not satisfied with the way I look, feel, or am leading my life. I am fed up with being fat, and out of shape, and I will not allow myself to feel like this anymore.” If you do not have some sort of anger feeding you, then you probably are not going to be one of the 10% of head turning transformations. Humans are predators, and we will not track and kill the prey by “wishy-washy, kinda, sorta” wanting it. You have a short, intense window of opportunity to break the bad habits and smash through all obstacles.

2. Surround Yourself with Like Minds

Who do you spend your time with? Are they supporting your efforts or are they ridiculing them? Next time you go out to eat with a group of friends, try to see how easy it is to be the ONLY one that drinks water while everyone else is downing margaritas. Or maybe just for fun, hit up the pizza buffet and see how long you can spend at the salad bar before you fold to peer pressure. So you are trying to lose fat? Okay try that now while hanging around your sedentary junk-food eating friends. Everyone has people in their lives that have these types of traits. They are destructive and damaging to their own bodies; and guess what else, they are destructive to your goals as well! So you want to transform? Well join our group of body and life transformers at the clinic. In times where you could crash and burn at any point, the best thing to do is have a great support group to guide you and pick you up.

3. Get Uncomfortable

Does it seem easy? It shouldn’t! Someone that makes long, sustainable changes in their lives will never get there without blood, sweat, and tears. And honestly, if it is easy… Then prepare yourself because you are likely to screw it up somehow. Have you ever seen a self-pitying whiny person be uncomfortable? Nope. Those kinds of people will quit immediately when something gets “hard”. You have to hit in to your fight or flight instinct when something feels uncomfortable. Are you going to fight through it to win? YOU BET!

4. Set SPECIFIC Goals

What’s your deadline? Do you have one? Is it a wedding, holiday, birthday? Do you have a specific amount of weight, body fat, or size of clothes you want to fit in by that particular date? I have found the absolutely worst goal is “My new year’s resolution is…”. What is the date on a new year’s resolution? When are you going to lose whatever quantity of whatever? It’s open-ended. There’s no end date. There’s no specificity. There’s nothing to look forward to but failure. Don’t say “I want to lose weight.” Instead say “I want to lose 10 percent of my body fat by August 18, and I’m going to do this by limiting my carbohydrate consumption to 100 grams/ day, and engaging in spin class 4x/ week for the next 4 months.” I always tell people that if you really want to be successful in your transformation, then schedule a photo shoot 3-4 months out. When you know you have to look camera ready in a few months, believe me you will keep focused on those goals much more! Always remember: YOU CAN’T FINISH A RACE IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHERE THE FINISH LINE IS!

5. Keep a Log… And be honest logging in it. Simple Enough! 

6.  Route Your Plan…And Stick to It 

How are you going to get where you want to be? Dreaming and believing is one thing, but do you have a plan? Does your nutrition have any meaningful structure? Do your workouts even make sense? You can idolize as many models from a magazine and television screen as you want; but you have no sensible plan and guidance to reach those goals. Guess what? It’s not going to happen. Call Optimal Chiropractic at 219-661-8680 in Crown Point and get the guidance and planning that you need to get on track and stay on track. We have nutritional specialists and can answer all your questions about reaching your transformation.

1. Plan Ahead

Plan for everything. Plan for difficulty. Plan for emotional breakdowns. It’s not going to be easy; but if you know that ahead of time, then you are way more prepared for breakdowns. For body transformation, the most important planning is your meals. Cook them ahead of time and take them with you. It takes a few hours one day to get 3-4 days worth of food cooked. Staff at Optimal Chiropractic can help you with all the secrets to quick and easy meal planning and prepping. Don’t let your organizational skills cause you to fail!


If you are ready for that “WOW” body and life transformation, contact our Crown Point office today for a nutritional consultation.  Call 219-661-8680.  We want to help you reach your goals today! Also check our our new patient specials at www.crownpointchiro.com.

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