Attention Deficit Disorder is a controversial matter in pediatric offices, hospitals, and schools around the nation; and quite honestly, it should be! Any disease or disorder that pushes parents to justify drugging their children should be questioned, challenged, and contested. So my question for psychiatrists and physicians that continually and readily diagnose this disease on their young patients: “At what point did a difficult to control male child become a new phenomenon? When did a ‘rowdy child’ equal ‘disordered child’? Does being curious, playful, and a little mischievous mean you have a brain disorder or dysfunction?” The truth is there is no real proof or evidence to back up this “real disease”.

When I was growing up, I could count on one hand how many other kids in my school where on psychotropic drugs for rowdy behavior. Being a playful was determined as nothing rather than kids acting and playing like kids. However, nowadays everything has a disease diagnosis and the miracle drug to fix it. Let’s go over the stats. The drug Ritalin (methylphenidate) has increased in prescriptions by 5x since 1991. Production for Addreal and Dexedrine has risen by 2,000% in the past 10 years! The United States actually consumes 85% of the world’s overall production of methylphenidate. So are our children in the U.S. really considerably more sick and diseased than the children in every other country? Also, is using a Class II controlled substance to alter a child’s brain really making them more well or more sick?

Parents need to know that there are options that do not involve drugging up their child. Multiple studies have researched the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment versus medication for behavioral impairments due to neurological dysfunction. It was found that chiropractic care is actually 24% more effective than medication use in 13 different symptom and problem areas of ADHD children. Children that were adjusted also proved to show improvement in parental ratings and hyperactivity by 57%.

Research is always continuing; however, dramatic changes continue to be reported in children with medically diagnosed ADD/ADHD following bouts of chiropractic care. By correcting nerve interference in the spine, function is improved, with produces improved behavior and human potential.

At Optimal Chiropractic in Crown Point, Indiana be take pride in ensure all of our patients can reach that optimal health potential, especially children. To get more information about ADD/ADHD using conservative chiropractic care, call the office at 219-661-8680 and schedule an appointment for your child today. Don’t forget to check out our new patient specials at

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